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Jun 02, 2021
Last Updated:
Jun 02, 2021
Religious Organization
Christ Centered Health is"TO KNOW" that GOD IS THE CURE, that GOD sent HIS WORD for OUR HEALING, that healing cannot happen apart from HIS WORD because We can do nothing apart from HIS WORD. Your cells do not divide apart from God's WORD in HIS BOOK, the DNA. The DNA is not a program, but a... moreChrist Centered Health is"TO KNOW" that GOD IS THE CURE, that GOD sent HIS WORD for OUR HEALING, that healing cannot happen apart from HIS WORD because We can do nothing apart from HIS WORD. Your cells do not divide apart from God's WORD in HIS BOOK, the DNA. The DNA is not a program, but a living epistle. You are ONE DNA, covered in flesh DNA. His SPIRIT is LIFE and that LIFE is the LIGHT OF ALL MEN. Every cell in your body is an individual LIFE that is held together and orchestrated by the SPIRIT OF GOD to give LIFE, Healing, and WELL-BEING. IN HIM WE LIVE AND MOVE AND HAVE OUR BEING. Healing IS because GOD IS. SUBMIT TO GOD, RESIST THE DEVIL, and THE DEVIL WILL FLEE. SUBMIT TO GOD the TEMPLE OF GOD as a living sacrifice of Praise. If you walk by the SPIRIT then you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh to allow deceptive foods, drugs, poisons toxins to include toxic prescriptions to have a place in the TEMPLE OF GOD. The sorcery of pharmaceuticals is wisdom from below that is earthly, sensual and demonic. Seek NOT the COUNSEL OF THE UNGODLY, nor sit in the seat of scorners. The anti-CHRIST pharmaceutical science ("to know") that controls health care in the world like a mafia dictator boss, is wisdom from hell that is killing, stealing and destroying lives by the millions annually. I repented for ever believing the science of the GODLESS that leave out God and His WISDOM. I acknowledge GOD in all of my ways, and that includes knowledge about the TEMPLE of GOD, my body. I do not submit to the ungodly wisdom of the disease inducing death care system that is controlled by the satanic elite through the pharmaceutical world wide armies. I pray the nations will repent of the IDOLATRY of an anti-CHRIST science and will seek GODLY COUNSEL for matters of health. What I share on this Page and my website is GODLY WISDOM. The HOLY SPIRIT IS OUR TEACHER, REVELATION, COUNSELOR, HEALER, GUIDE, COMFORTER and your blessed assurance that divine health belongs to YOU! Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy your health through lack of knowledge, rooted in fear and idolatry of anti-Christ medical science (sorcery). Repent for idolatry of medical mammon and break the spell of fear and let the JOY OF THE LORD be your strength to defeat every evil curse and voodoo like prediction of death over your life by this godless system. Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, BECAUSE THEY REJECTED KNOWLEDGE! Do not reject God's WISDOM and do NOT exalt the lies of demonic anti-CHRIST sorcery of pharma above God's Word. Take your mind captive to the obedience of HIS WORD like a soldier takes the enemy captive. Fear is your enemy. Fear of GOD is the beginning of WISDOM. Fear God and do not FEAR MAN or man's vain imaginations. God has not withheld cures and God did not give us demonic science, and God did not make pharmaceutical pushers gods who know how long you will live. The little GOOD from the doctrines of devils medical system of death does not justify the human sacrifices that are being done daily through poisons, barbaric surgeries and mostly the withholding of the cures. I pray that the blind eyes are opened, that the scales of deception fall off and that the people take responsibility for the care of God's Temple. In Jesus Name. I further pray that the doctors who can help people with the cures using Godly Wisdom that do not harm, are free from the tyranny and dictatorship that stops them from being able to tell the truth and practice Godly Wisdom in matters of health. I pray for Godly surgeons who will never do unnecessary surgeries and will follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus Name. less
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